Leadership & Performance

The Centre for Land Conservation is focused on highlighting the capabilities of and building confidence in community-based land conservation organizations and professionals by developing tools and certification for high-ambition organizations pursuing better, faster, durable conservation.

As the caretakers of the Canadian Land Trust Standards and Practices the CLC works to strengthen the land conservation sector to support the growth of respectful land conservation and stewardship backed by a performance assurance program.

Canadian Land Trust Standards & Practices

The Canadian Land Trust Standards & Practices (CLT S&P) are the ethical and technical guidelines for land trusts in Canada. When supported by a verification program, CLT S&P can provide a means to validate the quality of an organization's work, enhance credibility and build public, investor, and government trust.


The Land Trust Standards and Practices (S&P) were developed by the U.S. Land Trust Alliance in 1989. In 2005, the CLT S&P were created based on the U.S. S&Ps and adapted to suit the Canadian context.

While the Canadian Land Trust Standards and Practices are designed primarily for land trusts with charitable status, they also provide important guidance for any organization or government agency that holds land or conservation agreements for the benefit of the public.

CLC License

The Centre for Land Conservation (CLC) is the only official licensee for the CLT S&P.

Performance Assurance

About the Performance Assurance Program

Standards and practices, when supported by a verification program, can provide a means to validate the quality of an organization's work, enhance credibility and build public, investor and government trust. The Performance Assurance Program is a made-in-Canada voluntary program for non-profit and charitable organizations that undertake the conservation and long-term protection of lands. The program's performance standards are built upon the Canadian Land Trust Standards and Practices (CLTSP), supported by CLC, and the Standards for Non-Profits by Imagine Canada. Through this framework, the Performance Assurance Program fosters growth, inspires confidence, and ensures the enduring success of Canada's conservation community. Together, we safeguard more lands and champion sustainable practices for the benefit of future generations.

Current Phase

Following an extensive consultation and ground truthing, we are thrilled to announce the soft launch of the Performance Assurance Program. In May 2023, the pilot I commenced involving and initial group of nine Canadian land trusts.

We are eager to collaborate with the program participants by offering tailored training, support, and expert guidance to address specific organizational needs.

Interested in joining the Performance Assurance Program? Please Fill out our Expression of interest form.

We are also seeking volunteer experts to contribute their knowledge in assessing organizations and providing advice. If you're an expert in conservation-related areas, we'd love to hear from you. Please submit your information via our volunteer form here.

Together, we can elevate conservation efforts and secure a sustainable future for Canada's invaluable lands.